Hitachi 998840 8-1/2-Inch 24 Tooth ATB Carbide Saw Blade with 5/8-Inch Arbor Review

Hitachi 998840 8-1/2 inch 24 Tooth ATB Carbide Saw Blade with 5/8 inch Arbor
Average Reviews:

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This is the blade that came with my slide miter saw purchased over five years ago and it is still going strong. I have 3 different blades for my slide miter and this is still the work horse blade. I just recently sent it out for it's first sharpening. I have even managed to cut through a few nails hidden in the wood with little dulling. Granted I get a much smoother cut from the 40 tooth blade, but this works just fine for most contruction grade lumber and even the less than critical household projects.

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Product Description:
998840 Size: 8-1/2"Features: -Ripping Saw Blade. -Fast ripping in plywood, wood composites and natural wood. -Material: TCT. -Grind: ATB. -Wood cutting. -Arbor: 5/8". -Kerf: 0.087", 0.098". -Plate: 0.055", 0.071". -Hook: 15 (degrees) for 998840, 180 (degrees) for 311128. -Teeth: 24. -Carbide Grade: C2 Micrograin. -Available in 8-1/2", 10".

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