Black & Decker 77-717 Piranha 7-1/4-Inch 18 Tooth ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting and Ripping Saw Blade with 5/8-Inch and Diamond Knockout Arbor Review

Black & Decker 77-717 Piranha 7-1/4 inch 18 Tooth ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting and Ripping Saw Blade with 5/8 inch and Diamond Knockout Arbor
Average Reviews:

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I have had my B&D Sawcat since 1984 and run nothing but Piranha blades. When I was working as a carpenter - mostly as the cut-man on framing and outside finish crews, I kept at least ten blades and had them sharpened as needed. They are the toughest, longest lasting blades available. For interior trim they cut well but the 24 tooth is smoother. I am using the Sawcat now for DIY projects around the house and my last Piranha blade (bought in 1990 or so) still cuts like a hot knife through butter. I am ordering a new blade now just because it only seems fair to give the old girl a new blade for all the good work she's done for me...

Click Here to see more reviews about: Black and Decker 77-717 Piranha 7-1/4 Inch 18 Tooth ATB Thin Kerf Crosscutting and Ripping Saw Blade with 5/8 Inch and Diamond Knockout Arbor

Product Description:
For large-volume, heavy-duty cutting; fast rips, crosscuts and miters. Cuts all types of wood, plywood, particleboard, chipboard, Masonite, wallboard and plastics. Fish hook gullet design removes chips more effectively; extremely sharp, curved carbide teeth eliminate tooth drag for a smoother, faster cut. Reinforced shoulder for greater durability; expansion slots for improved accuracy (except on 5-1/2" No.77-715 and 6-1/2" No.77-716 blades). Requires less force, is easier on the saw, makes less noise, runs cooler, creates fewer chips, allows for more accurate cutting, and lasts up to 50 times longer than steel blades. Resharpenable. Coated to resist residue. Alternative tooth bevel.

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