Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I've used this blade for over a year on my Jet table saw with fantastic results on all species of wood.I have used blades that were twice the price that didn't preform as well as the Budke.I have read many positive reviews online concerning this product and would agree that it's one of the best combination blades for the money.Amazon had the best price and super fast shipping.I just bought a second blade for a back up when my primary is in the shop for sharpening.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Budke Combination Blade, 37102, 10 Diameter, 50 Tooth Raker Grind, .085 Plate
Product Description:
"The Budke Combination Blade is the most popular selling combination blade available. It's the ideal all-purpose shop blade because it does so many jobs so well. Use it to crosscut or rip solid woods as well as for cutting plywoods and particle boards. A top value, the Budke Blade is our most popular combination blade and has hefty carbide tips that can be resharpened many times."
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