Makita 5402A 16-5/16-Inch Circular Saw with Electric Brake Review

Makita 5402A 16-5/16 inch Circular Saw with Electric Brake
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This is an exellent value overall. It compares to the Mafel saws without the dreadful expense. The power is about right for the size of this saw, considering the Mafel counterpart is 240 3 phase and has a little more gutsbut the versitility of being able to use regular 115 volt single phasepower more than makes up for the shortage of guts. But, with a saw this bigit may not be such a bad idea to feed a little slower anyway. The fence ispretty much what you would expect for the price but the good news is thatSperber out of New Hampshire makes a replacement fence that is second tonone. It will make cuts good enough for most uses unless you are cuttingtraditional joinery and need that type of precision. As might be expectedyou can throw the blade aside and expect to buy a real saw blade. Overallconsidering the money spent this is the best 16 incher on the market. For afew extra dollars you can make it a real precision tool. Great saw!

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