Forrest WW16507100 Woodworker I 160mm 50 Tooth 20mm Arbor 3/32-Inch Kerf Circular Saw Blade For Festool Saws Review

Forrest WW16507100 Woodworker I  160mm 50 Tooth 20mm Arbor 3/32 inch Kerf Circular Saw Blade For Festool Saws
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Initially I bought this blade based on the price point.After using it to make some cabinets, I would buy this blade at full price with no hesistation.Using the TS55 saw will yield chip free cuts in itself so how can adding this blade to an excellent saw yield noticeable results?The edges were the sharpest I've ever had them.The blade kerf is substantially thicker and over-all much heaver than a stock 48 tooth Festool blade.

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