Festool 489570 Screw Clamps, 4-11/16" Review

Festool 489570 Screw Clamps, 4-11/16'
Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)
The good:
Fits into the slot in the Festool 491498 55 inches Guide Rail FS 1400 (there are a bunch of lengths and accessoreis for he guide rail system that this works with),
Works very well as a limited range wood clamp.

The bad:
If the swivel on the end gets stiff or locks up it can mar the wood,
Pretty pricy and only worth the money if you have bought into the Festool system.

The ugly:
The swivel at the end needs occasional lubrication or it binds.That's the problem that the other reviewer seems to be having.

Overall a nicely designed clamp for the money.

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Product Description:
Use to secure bench mounted devices. Clamping capacity 4-3/4"(120mm). Comes as a pack of 2.

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